Many people who come to CrossFit Dwell have a goal of losing weight along with getting stronger. Last week in a blog post, we discussed that we can’t out exercise a poor diet. This week, let’s dive into some common mistakes that people make when they are attempting to lose weight.
The first mistake we often see is the lack of consistency. Unfortunately, eating really well during the week doesn’t make up for binging every weekend. Many people are frustrated because they work really hard to stay on track Sunday to Thursday. They reduce calories and make better food choices, they avoid the extra treats during the week. However, when Friday night roles around, they “let it rip” for the weekend. In order to succeed, we need a plan that promotes consistency. Have a single treat on the weekend, then move on. Don’t go completely overboard and then have to start over on Monday.
The second struggle we see is choosing a diet that is too restrictive. You don’t have to cut any food group out of your diet to see lasting results. If your diet has more foods on the “can’t” list than the “can” list, it isn’t sustainable. Focus on what you can have; healthy substitutions add up and can make all the difference. Here’s the truth: there isn’t a quick fix. It is hard work. It takes time to change your habits and take control of your health. Make small changes over time, and build from there.
Another mistake we see is not tracking food or progress. Tracking progress shows success, and success leads to motivation. We know that clients are 50% more successful when they track their food, yet this is one of the toughest things to get clients to do. If you are just starting, jump on a scale and test your weight and body fat percentage. Grab a tape measure and at least measure your waist circumference (around your belly button). Then download MyFitnessPal and take an inventory of what you are eating. Do this for two weeks, then retest your weight and body fat. See what you can accomplish by just starting to track!
Becoming stuck because of information overload is the fourth mistake we often see. The internet and social media have created thousands of overnight “nutrition celebrities” and “experts”. With so much conflicting information, and endless options, it is easy to become overwhelmed and just go back to what we were doing before – and if we are trying to lose weight, what we were doing before probably wasn’t working. Don’t let your fear of choosing the wrong plan overwhelm you to the point of inaction. The truth is, the science behind nutrition and behavior modification goes well beyond a picture of someone with abs or a 7-day detox. It’s frustrating to see the abundance of gimmicks out there, and even worse, what people have been tricked into doing before reaching out to us for help.
Finally, the fifth mistake we see is the lack of support! We understand it is tough to lose weight by yourself. People who were initially successful but then slip back into old habits tell us it was a gradual decline back to the place they began. They found their clothes getting tight again, and that leads to frustration and feelings of shame. Our clients want something that is simple and sustainable. If you know you have a competition or race coming up, you are more likely to train harder. When you have a nutrition coach providing support and accountability, you are more likely to be successful and stay successful.
Our nutrition coach, Tiffany, works with clients in Kennesaw, Acworth, and Marietta to help them overcome these five mistakes. Her goal is to help people achieve lasting change through sustainable habits so they can be healthier and feel so much more confident. A free consultation is just a click away on our website! Let’s see how much progress can be made with just a little support.