This 5-session course is designed to help build skill and strength in gymnastics movements. These movements influence every aspect of life, and have a huge effect on your overall fitness. Learn body awareness, positioning, new drills, and more!
The sessions will meet at CrossFit Dwell at 8:15am on Saturdays beginning on January 13, and continuing for five weeks.
What to expect?
We will discuss the foundations of gymnastics movements in CrossFit, including shapes, positioning, hanging, and supports. We will build on the foundation as we practice pull ups, toes to bar, handstands, and core work.
Is this the right course for me?
So many people we meet at CrossFit Dwell tell us they want to build upper body and core strength. Gymnastics is one of the best ways to achieve this, without requiring external loading! You will gain knowledge, experience, and new drills to take forward into your workouts.
Why gymnastics?
We often use rings, pull up bars, climbing ropes, and handstands in our classes to build strength for everyday life. Improve coordination, balance, strength, accuracy, agility, and more as we dive into gymnastics movements together.
Take the first step.
We can’t wait to meet you
Chat with a coach at our gym to learn more about what program will fit your goals.